
Press Release

Prime Capital Aviation Debt Fund enables Aviation Debt Investments for Institutional Investors


Frankfurt, 23nd of November 2017

Prime Capital has successfully launched the Prime Capital Aviation Debt Fund (PCAD), a SICAV-SIF-subfund of Prime Capital Debt SCS in Luxembourg. The fund will invest in senior, aircraft-backed loans. With the first closing we are pleased to announce that several insurance companies have already committed USD 115m to the fund. With regards to following closings, Investors will be able to invest additional capital of up to a total volume of USD 400m. For the closed-end fund an investment period of up to 2 years is planned. The tenor is 10 years with two additional extension options. The aircraft -standard Airbus and Boeing models- which are financed by the loans are expected to be run by airlines worldwide and are therefore fungible. The fund is denominated in US-Dollars, in line with the underlying aircraft loans, and its target net return is expected to be in excess of 4%.

Prime Capital will work together exclusively with DVB Bank SE (DVB), one of the leading banks in the aviation debt market, as a sourcing partner. The bank ensures long-term access to attractive investment opportunities for the fund and adds its extensive aircraft expertise to each transaction. Prime Capital and DVB have been cooperating in this asset class for more than a year now and have already successfully invested over USD 200m for Institutional Investors together.

Prime Capital has operated in the aircraft financing market since 2014. Until today, the company’s focus has been customized mandates in aviation debt financing for its Institutional Clients. Following the launch of PCAD, access to this success story is now available to further investors. With over 150 financed aircraft Prime Capital proves a long-term history in this segment. In total, current assets under management and commitments in aviation finance sum up to an amount of USD 1.2 bn.

An investment in the Prime Capital Aviation Debt Fund is reserved for professional investors and semi-professional investors within the meaning of section 1 (19) nos. 32 and 33 of the Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch (KAGB). The Fund may not be distributed to retail investors within the meaning of section 1 (19) no. 31 of the KAGB.

About Prime Capital
Prime Capital AG is an independent financial services provider and asset management firm, focusing on institutional clients. The company specializes in Alternative Investments, in particular in Absolute Return, Infrastructure Investments and Private Debt. Prime Capital was founded in 2006 and currently employs more than 70 people in Frankfurt, Luxembourg and London. The company’s regulators are BaFin in Germany, CSSF in Luxembourg and FCA in the UK. As of September 2017, Prime Capital has approximately EUR 10.2 bn Assets under Management, managed on various platforms.
About DVB Bank SE
DVB Bank SE, headquartered in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, is specialised in the international transport finance business. The Bank offers integrated financing solutions and advisory services in respect of Shipping Finance, Aviation Finance and Land Transport Finance. DVB is present a t all key international financial centres and transport hubs: at its Frankfurt/Main head office, as well as various European locations (Amsterdam, Athens, Hamburg, London and Oslo), plus offices in the Americas (New York City and Curaçao) and in Asia (Singapore and Tokyo). Further information is available on

For further information, quotes or interview requests please contact:

Prime Capital AG
Andreas Kalusche, Vorstand
Tel: 0049 69 9686 984 36
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