
Press Release

Prime Capital AG expands its loan platform business with an innovative aircraft private debt programme


Building on the close of its secured aircraft debt finance programme in December 2013 and following the successful deployment of the first USD 250mio of capital in asset acquisitions throughout 2014, Prime Capital AG is pleased to announce the increase of capital commitments to the programme to USD 480mio. This innovative offering continues to be made via a specialised securitisation company in Luxembourg operated and monitored by Prime Capital, under which a diversified portfolio of secured aircraft debt has already been assembled and which will now be enlarged with the latest infusion of capital. Prime Capital will continue to work closely with a leading aviation bank specialist that has been appointed by the platform to perform loan origination as well as on-going administration and asset management services, and which is also a co-investor in the deal alongside a leading German institutional investor for whom the offering was specifically designed.

A critical feature of that design was having Prime Capital exert a central monitoring and oversight function as well as conducting detailed risk and credit portfolio management and customised reporting for the portfolio of loans.

“I am very pleased to see that our business model of combining platform capability with deep asset know-how has found such an opportunity to prove itself in the fast expanding asset class of Private Debt.  Above all, this landmark transaction offers a ready template for an institutional investor wishing to access the asset class via one or more bank originator with the assurance of having for its benefit the independent checks and balances that Prime Capital provides.  What is true for aircraft loans on this transaction is equally applicable to other categories of Private Debt where banks are the dominant sourcing parties, especially Infrastructure Debt” explains CEO Wolfgang Stolz.

About Prime Capital
Prime Capital AG is an independent financial services provider and asset management firm, focusing on institutional clients. The company specializes in Alternative Investments, in particular in Absolute Return, Infrastructure Investments and Private Debt. Prime Capital was founded in 2006 and currently employs 55 people in Frankfurt, London and Luxembourg. The company’s regulators are BaFin in Germany, CSSF in Luxembourg and FCA in the UK. As per 30th of June 2016, Prime Capital has around EUR 5.1 billion Assets under Management, managed on various platforms.

For further information, quotes or interview requests please contact:

Prime Capital AG
Andreas Kalusche, Board of Directors
Tel: 0049 69 9686 984 36

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