
Responsible Investment Policy


For Prime Capital responsible investing is a cornerstone of our self-perception as a trusted business partner to secure sustainable value for our stakeholders.

In order to ensure a transparent and effective assessment of our responsible investing activities, we have established corresponding internal guidelines, policies and processes.

Integration & Organization

At Prime Capital, we have implemented an integrated structure for our responsible investment activities. We have formed a core sustainability team which integrates our strategy throughout the company. The sustainability team is comprised of Certified Experts in Sustainable Finance who report directly to the Management Board. The team monitors regulatory changes, steers the Investment Teams, serves as the first point of contact for external initiatives and provides guidance regarding the use of external data and data providers. The team organizes periodic meetings of the internal Sustainability Committee, hosts group-wide information sessions and organizes targeted team trainings. This ensures a wide dispersion of sustainability awareness and integration into key decision-making processes at Prime Capital. In addition, the head of sustainability is a member of the Investment Oversight Committee with veto rights, ensuring that ESG issues are adequately integrated at Investment Committee level.














Investment process

Across our different business lines we employ a variety of investment approaches tailored to the specific asset classes. To adequately identify and incorporate sustainability risks as well as opportunities into investment decisions, we use a range of integration approaches that are flexible for different asset classes, product types, as well as investment opportunities.


» Responsible Investment policy (PDF)

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Prime Capital, der unabhängige, alternative Asset-Manager, der EUR 4,3 Mrd. Assets under Management sowie EUR 8,4 Mrd. Assets under Administration in verschiedenen Anlageklassen verwaltet, gibt das erfolgreiche erste Closing seines Prime Real Estate European Debt Fund im hohen zweistelligen Millionenbereich bekannt. Dieser Fonds fokussiert sich auf Whole Loan-Finanzierungen in den Sektoren Wohnen, Logistik sowie selektiv […]

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