
Press Release

Prime Capital strengthens its Renewable Energy Business and centralizes its business within Prime Capital AG


With the acquisition of a 26 MW wind park in Rhineland-Palatinate, Prime Capital AG extends its portfolio of assets generating electricity from renewable energy sources. The fifth transaction since the beginning of 2016 allows Prime to continue its growth and underlines the strategic importance of the asset class renewable energy.

After the sale of the IPP subsidiary Prime Renewables GmbH (founded in 2012) to Chorus AG in July 2016, Prime Capital AG bundles its business in renewable energy going forward in the parent company. There it manages mandates with an equity volume of approx. EUR 500 million.

“With the acquisition in Rhineland-Palatinate we succeeded again in acquiring high-quality wind turbines at very attractive prices for our investors, shortly before the transition to the tender system in Germany”, says Board Member and CIO Dr. Werner Goricki. But also in the new regime, he expects that the domestic market remains an important complement to non-European activities.

“The sector Renewable Energy represents a core element of our growth strategy”, adds company founder and CEO Wolfgang Stolz. “The demand for customer-specific asset management is rising in the current market environment. Our existing significant mandate capacities in systems and manpower will be increased further with our growth in asset base.


About Prime Capital
Prime Capital AG is an independent financial services provider and asset management firm, focusing on institutional clients. The company specializes in Alternative Investments, in particular in Absolute Return, Infrastructure Investments and Private Debt. Prime Capital was founded in 2006 and currently employs 55 people in Frankfurt, London and Luxembourg. The company’s regulators are BaFin in Germany, CSSF in Luxembourg and FCA in the UK. As per 30th of June 2016, Prime Capital has around EUR 5.1 billion Assets under Management, managed on various platforms.

For further information, quotes or interview requests please contact:

Prime Capital AG
Andreas Kalusche, Board of Directors
Tel: 0049 69 9686 984 36

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