
Press Release

Prime Capital: Change and extension of Management Board and supervisory Board reflect significant growth


– After 13 successful years Founder and CEO Wolfgang Stolz moves to Supervisory Board
– Board Member Andreas Kalusche appointed CEO on 1. October 2019
– Dr. Manfred Beinhauer and Marco Gerlach newly appointed to Management Board
– Extension of the Management Board reflects Prime Capital’s growth story, positive outlook for 2019

Frankfurt, 30 September 2019

The Supervisory Board of the independent asset manager and financial services provider Prime Capital AG has appointed Andreas Kalusche, formerly board member for Client Solutions, new Chief Executive Officer effective
1. October 2019. He will succeed the current Chief Executive Officer, Wolfgang Stolz, the successful founder of Prime Capital, who will continue to support the company in his new function as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. In addition, Dr. Manfred Beinhauer as COO/CRO and Marco Gerlach as CFO are appointed to the Management Board. This extension also reflects the successful growth of Prime Capital AG in recent years. Alfred Möckel, who has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Prime Capital AG since 2006 and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board since August 2016, is leaving the Supervisory Board at the end of September 2019.

Company founder Wolfgang Stolz said, “After 13 successful years during which we have made Prime Capital a success story with over 15 billion Euros in assets under management, I look forward to support Prime Capital and the Management Board around Andreas Kalusche in my new role as Chairman of the Supervisory Board.”
“I am convinced that with the new team Prime Capital will continue to have dynamic and successful entrepreneurs in the top positions.” As a long-time member of the Management Board, Andreas Kalusche stands for continuity as well as new impetus in the corporate development. The appointments of Dr. Manfred Beinhauer and Marco Gerlach to their new positions in the Management Board are important steps in the generational transition initiated at the beginning of this year.

Andreas Kalusche, who has been working for the company as Management Board member for Client Solutions since 2015, thanked Wolfgang Stolz and the Supervisory Board for their trust. “In recent years, we have developed Prime Capital into a broad asset manager and platform provider. This success story will now also be reflected in the extension of the Management Board. I look forward to developing Prime Capital further, together with my current Management Board colleague Dr. Werner Goricki, CIO, as well as the new colleagues.”

Wolfgang Stolz also thanked outgoing Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Alfred Möckel, for his services: “His extensive experience as a member of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of international financial service providers and as a highly respected business angel has vastly contributed to the profitable growth of Prime Capital.”

About Prime Capital
Prime Capital AG is an independent asset management firm and financial services provider, focusing on institutional clients. The company specializes in Alternative Investments, in particular in Absolute Return, Infrastructure Investments and Private Debt. Furthermore, the company offers Asset Management Outsourcing and Access Solutions. Prime Capital was founded in 2006, currently employs more than 80 people in Frankfurt, Luxembourg and London and is regulated by BaFin and CSSF.
As of June 2019, Prime Capital has approximately EUR 15.1 bn Assets under Management, managed and administered.

For additional information, quotes or requests please contact:

Prime Capital AG
Werner Humpert
Tel: 0049 69 9686 984 35

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