
Absolute Return

PCAM Blue Chip


PCAM Blue Chip invests in a diversified basket of best-in-class Blue Chip hedge funds across strategies and asset classes to achieve a well-balanced, all-weather portfolio.

Our approach

PCAM Blue Chip invests in a diversified basket of best-in-class Blue Chip hedge funds across strategies and asset classes in order to achieve a well-balanced portfolio with the ability to weather all market environments. Generally, the fund seeks to invest in the most established, renowned and exclusive managers, with both, a long standing track record as well as a strong and consistent risk-adjusted return. The objective of the fund is to achieve an annual absolute return of 6-7% net of fees with a strong emphasis on low volatility and capital preservation.

PCAM Blue Chip at a glance

  • Capital invested exclusively with well-established, hard to access managers, that have repeatable processes and a reliable infrastructure
  • Ideal for core allocations, with focus on alpha generation through rigorous manager selection, portfolio construction and risk monitoring
  • Optimized with 8-15 high-conviction managers across complementary strategies
  • Quarterly liquidity and strong alignment of interest between investors, fund management and underlying managers
  • Team with excellent track-record and senior PMs with over 20 years’ experience each and expertise in managing Hedge Funds portfolios

Read more about the fund.

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Prime Capital, der unabhängige, alternative Asset-Manager, der EUR 4,3 Mrd. Assets under Management sowie EUR 8,4 Mrd. Assets under Administration in verschiedenen Anlageklassen verwaltet, gibt das erfolgreiche erste Closing seines Prime Real Estate European Debt Fund im hohen zweistelligen Millionenbereich bekannt. Dieser Fonds fokussiert sich auf Whole Loan-Finanzierungen in den Sektoren Wohnen, Logistik sowie selektiv […]

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