
Real Assets

Industry recognitions and awards


Prime’s renewable activities have received positive coverage and acclaim from leading infrastructure publications over the past years.

Prime Capital’s Head of Infrastructure Dr. Mathias Bimberg and Chief Investment Officer Dr. Werner Goricki were ranked among the top 10 on Awordaboutwind’s “Green Fund Power List 2020”, a list of fund managers leading the global shift to renewables.

“Infrastructure Investor” nominated Prime Capital as “Investor of the Year” in recognition of its remarkable achievement of raising 250mn Euro for a first-time fund at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.

Read more about the fund.

Infrastructure Investor also nominated two of Prime’s latest transactions for its “Renewables Deal of the Year” awards.

Project Stavro, a flagship project in terms of size and complexity, which already closed in 2019, served as a blue print transaction for the Prime Green Energy Infrastructure Fund and Prime’s collaboration with Siemens Gamesa, the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturer.

Read more about the project.

In 2020, Prime Green Energy Infrastructure Fund’s seed asset “Björnberget”, which is proof of concept for the strategy, was also nominated.

Read more about the project.

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Pressemitteilung —  28/10/2024

Prime Capital, der unabhängige, alternative Asset-Manager, der EUR 4,3 Mrd. Assets under Management sowie EUR 8,4 Mrd. Assets under Administration in verschiedenen Anlageklassen verwaltet, gibt das erfolgreiche erste Closing seines Prime Real Estate European Debt Fund im hohen zweistelligen Millionenbereich bekannt. Dieser Fonds fokussiert sich auf Whole Loan-Finanzierungen in den Sektoren Wohnen, Logistik sowie selektiv […]

Pressemitteilung —  17/10/2024

Prime Capital AG, der unabhängige, alternative Asset-Manager, der EUR 4,3 Mrd. Assets under Management sowie EUR 8,4 Mrd. Assets under Administration in verschiedenen Anlageklassen verwaltet, gibt das 3. Closing seines Prime Green Energy Infrastructure Fund II („PGEIF II“ oder „Fonds“) bekannt. Dieser Fonds setzt die Strategie seines Vorgängers, des Prime Green Energy Infrastructure Fund („PGEIF“) […]

Pressemitteilung —  01/11/2023

Der Aufsichtsrat des unabhängigen Asset Managers und Finanzdienstleisters Prime Capital AG („Prime Capital“) hat Kerstin Hübsch per 01. November 2023 zum Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) bestellt und sie gleichzeitig in den Vorstand der Gesellschaft berufen. Hübsch, bisher Managing Director und Chief of Staff von Prime Capital, vereint langjährige Kenntnisse in der Entwicklung und dem […]

Pressemitteilung —  23/10/2023

Prime Capital schließt zwei neue Junior Debt-Finanzierungen im jeweils zweistelligen Millionen Euro Bereich ab