
Access Solutions – Our Services


The range of services offered by Access Solutions includes individual fund solutions, securitization and investment platforms across all asset classes.

1. Funds Solutions:
Prime AIFM Lux S.A. is a Luxembourg-based asset management company specialised in alternative investments. It currently manages over EUR 5 billion in various own (multi-compartment) investment companies as well as some fund solutions tailored to customer needs:

  • Luxembourg AIFM for alternative investments
  • Individual access solutions tailored to investor needs (eligibility, tax transparency, etc.)
  • AIFM specialised in credit investments and other alternative investments with dedicated valuation, credit and risk expertise

2. Securitisations
PCAM Issuance S.A. I – IV are Luxembourg securitisation companies specialised in alternative investments. It currently manages more than Euro 2 billion in various multi-compartment companies as well as various securitisation solutions tailored to client needs:

  • Bankruptcy-proof securitisations under Luxembourg law; assets are “ring-fenced
  • Issue of notes qualifying under German investment ordinance under section 2, para. 8, 9 or 10; no tranching (Solvency II)
  • If required, notes may be rated and/or listed
  • Efficient access to real asset portfolios or off-shore managers for institutional and semi-professional investors

3. Investment Platforms:
The Prime Capital Group is a leading provider of integrated investment platforms tailored to customer needs. We provide comprehensive structural and organisational resources for the implementation of investment programmes in alternative investments:

  • Enabling a strategic asset allocation with access to different managers/investment strategies,
  • Structures tailored to individual investor needs (eligibility, tax transparency, Solvency I and Solvency II compliant)
  • Standardised documentation and reporting based on customer requirements
  • If required, advice on the development of an asset allocation in the private markets sector and the selection of managers
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Press Release —  13/02/2025

Norsk e-Fuel, Prime Capital and RES have announced a collaboration to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in North Sweden. Located in the municipality of Ånge, “Project Alby” is planned to produce a minimum of 80,0000 tons of e-Fuel annually and marks Norsk e-Fuel’s expansion into Sweden. Under the lead of Norsk e-Fuel and Prime Capital, […]

Pressemitteilung —  28/10/2024

Prime Capital, der unabhängige, alternative Asset-Manager, der EUR 4,3 Mrd. Assets under Management sowie EUR 8,4 Mrd. Assets under Administration in verschiedenen Anlageklassen verwaltet, gibt das erfolgreiche erste Closing seines Prime Real Estate European Debt Fund im hohen zweistelligen Millionenbereich bekannt. Dieser Fonds fokussiert sich auf Whole Loan-Finanzierungen in den Sektoren Wohnen, Logistik sowie selektiv […]

Pressemitteilung —  17/10/2024

Prime Capital AG, der unabhängige, alternative Asset-Manager, der EUR 4,3 Mrd. Assets under Management sowie EUR 8,4 Mrd. Assets under Administration in verschiedenen Anlageklassen verwaltet, gibt das 3. Closing seines Prime Green Energy Infrastructure Fund II („PGEIF II“ oder „Fonds“) bekannt. Dieser Fonds setzt die Strategie seines Vorgängers, des Prime Green Energy Infrastructure Fund („PGEIF“) […]

Pressemitteilung —  01/11/2023

Der Aufsichtsrat des unabhängigen Asset Managers und Finanzdienstleisters Prime Capital AG („Prime Capital“) hat Kerstin Hübsch per 01. November 2023 zum Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) bestellt und sie gleichzeitig in den Vorstand der Gesellschaft berufen. Hübsch, bisher Managing Director und Chief of Staff von Prime Capital, vereint langjährige Kenntnisse in der Entwicklung und dem […]