The range of services offered by Access Solutions includes individual fund solutions, securitization and investment platforms across all asset classes.
1. Funds Solutions:
Prime AIFM Lux S.A. is a Luxembourg-based asset management company specialised in alternative investments. It currently manages over EUR 5 billion in various own (multi-compartment) investment companies as well as some fund solutions tailored to customer needs:
- Luxembourg AIFM for alternative investments
- Individual access solutions tailored to investor needs (eligibility, tax transparency, etc.)
- AIFM specialised in credit investments and other alternative investments with dedicated valuation, credit and risk expertise
2. Securitisations:
PCAM Issuance S.A. I – IV are Luxembourg securitisation companies specialised in alternative investments. It currently manages more than Euro 2 billion in various multi-compartment companies as well as various securitisation solutions tailored to client needs:
- Bankruptcy-proof securitisations under Luxembourg law; assets are “ring-fenced
- Issue of notes qualifying under German investment ordinance under section 2, para. 8, 9 or 10; no tranching (Solvency II)
- If required, notes may be rated and/or listed
- Efficient access to real asset portfolios or off-shore managers for institutional and semi-professional investors
3. Investment Platforms:
The Prime Capital Group is a leading provider of integrated investment platforms tailored to customer needs. We provide comprehensive structural and organisational resources for the implementation of investment programmes in alternative investments:
- Enabling a strategic asset allocation with access to different managers/investment strategies,
- Structures tailored to individual investor needs (eligibility, tax transparency, Solvency I and Solvency II compliant)
- Standardised documentation and reporting based on customer requirements
- If required, advice on the development of an asset allocation in the private markets sector and the selection of managers