
Absolute Return

PCAM Select

November 02, 2020

PCAM Select invests in a diversified basket of best-in-class specialized and focused hedge funds across strategies and asset classes to achieve a well-balanced, all-weather portfolio.

Our approach

PCAM Select invests in a diversified basket of best-in-class specialized and focused hedge funds across strategies and asset classes to achieve a well-balanced, all-weather portfolio. Generally, the fund targets specialized and focused strategies of managers with an institutional setup, a long standing track record and strong and consistent risk-adjusted return. The objective of the fund is to achieve an annual absolute return of 7-8% net of fees with a strong emphasis on low volatility and capital preservation.

PCAM Select at a glance

  • Capital invested approx. 60-75% in “core” funds and 25-40% in “satellite” managers
  • Direct access to some of the most renown managers thanks to long-established network and outstanding track-record
  • Focus on alpha generation through rigorous manager selection, portfolio construction and risk monitoring
  • Quarterly liquidity and strong alignment of interest between investors, fund management and underlying managers
  • Team with excellent track-record and senior PMs with over 20 years’ experience each and expertise in managing Hedge Funds portfolios

Read more about the fund.

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