
Press Release

Hattrick for PCAM Blue Chip Ltd. in Geneva; Prime Capital AG once again awarded as “best-in-class” within the fund of hedge funds sector


Prime Capital AG is delighted to announce the receipt of three awards at the 10th edition of the annual “BANCO Swiss Hedge Funds Awards 2016” of the leading Swiss Management Magazine “Banco”on October 20th, 2016.

PCAM Blue Chip Ltd., launched in 2007, was nominated in the competitive category “Fund of hedge funds – MultiStrategy No Bias” for the last one, three and five years. At the end of the four-person jury’s quantitative and qualitative analysis, PCAM Blue Chip Ltd. won the award in all three categories. With the awards being based on both short- and long-term observation periods, such a hattrick is highly unusual and deserves special recognition.

“We are delighted to see the decision of the expert jury and take it as an acknowledgment that our performance is also attracting attention across other countries. In addition, it is a confirmation for our investors who have trusted the expertise of an excellent team”, said Wolfgang Stolz, CEO and founder of Prime Capital.

In addition to the consistent investment outperformance, the fund’s cost structure has attracted particular attention. Since inception, institutional investors have been able to access a share class with 0.5% p.a. management fee and no performance fee, as well as a further share class with simply a 10% performance fee.

“Even though the fund’s volume has almost tripled in just three years, demand on the investor side is still not fully satisfied”, adds Andreas Kalusche, Director and Head of the Client Solutions team at Prime Capital AG. This is the result of temporary capacity constraints at the level of certain target funds within the portfolio.

About Prime Capital
Prime Capital AG is an independent financial services provider and asset management firm, focusing on institutional clients. The company specializes in Alternative Investments, in particular in Absolute Return, Infrastructure Investments and Private Debt. Prime Capital was founded in 2006 and currently employs 55 people in Frankfurt, London and Luxembourg. The company’s regulators are BaFin in Germany, CSSF in Luxembourg and FCA in the UK. As per 30th of June 2016, Prime Capital has around EUR 5.1 billion Assets under Management, managed on various platforms.

For further information, quotes or interview requests please contact:

Prime Capital AG
Andreas Kalusche, Board of Directors
Tel: 0049 69 9686 984 36

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